We Provide Subtitling Services which Include:
- Video subtitling services
- Broadcast subtitling services
- Television and film subtitling services
- Documentary subtitling services
- Promotion and advertising subtitles
- Online training, education and learning subtitles
- Social media and website subtitles
- Vimeo and YouTube subtitles
Why Use Subtitling Services?
Video Subtitles are made for the purposes of improving access to video, and so are not to be mistaken for Closed Captions or Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SDH).
As well as providing video accessibility, subtitling services are also a great tool for search engine optimisation. English subtitles can be translated into foreign languages in order to appeal to a wider international audience and this makes them invaluable for use adverts or promotional videos.
Capital Captions provide professional subtitling services for video makers, broadcasters and video on demand service providers, as well as individuals and companies worldwide. Our prices are highly competitive and our flexible approach to subtitling means we can work to tight deadlines, with a wide range of subtitle formats.
What are Subtitles?
Subtitles are timed onscreen text in a video which include all dialogue. Subtitling is often associated with foreign films, but can serve many purposes besides translation. They can be used as an aid for viewers with compromised access to sound, but are not recommended for deaf or hard of hearing audiences as they typically do not include sound effects, speaker identifications or any other subtleties required by viewers without full access to audio content.
Capital Captions’ Subtitling Process
Our subtitlers are all highly experienced in their field, with at least two years experience within the subtitling industry. During the video transcription process, our typists are able to work with videos in a wide variety of formats, and scripts are made in an intelligent verbatim style.
Following on from completing the audio typing aspect of subtitling, the script is loaded into subtitling software where times are inserted and the audio is synced to the onscreen text. At this point, any formatting will be added to the captions to include italics, upper case letters and colour or placement changes.Finally, the video is watched back and the captions are proofread for correct grammar and spelling, consistency and accurate timings.
We are able to offer a discount when working with pre-written transcripts to create subtitles. During the subtitling process, we will insert timings, format styles and use software to burn your subtitles onto video.
Video Subtitle File Formats
When using subtitling services for your videos, it’s important to choose the right caption format according to your broadcaster or service provider requirements. In some cases, there may be a requirement for multiple formats to display on different platforms. We provide subtitles in a variety of formats, as outlined in the table below, but if you’re unsure which format best suits your needs, feel free to browse through our page on Subtitle Formats which should help you make a decision.
Broadcast Subtitle Formats |
Online Media Subtitle Formats |
.STL – .ESY – .X32 – .PAC – .CIN – .AYA – .890 – .XIF .CIP – .RAC – .CHK – .CAP – .ULT – .USF – .L32 – .TIT .ST4 / .ST7 | .SRT – .SSA – .VTT – .TTXT – .PSB – .RT – .SSF – .ASS .USF And many more… |
Foreign Subtitle Languages
At Capital Captions, we work with foreign subtitling, and subtitle translation. This means we can caption your English video and translate it into a number of different languages.
We also work with foreign transcriptionists, subtitling foreign video and translating into English as a target language. We currently offer subtitling services in a wide range of languages including: English, German, French, Italian, and more…
Professionally written and Expertly Timed!

Subtitles written and formatted by professional linguists. Precisely written, timed and formatted every time.

Expedited subtitle services at competitive prices. Seamless video upload and download at the touch of a button.

Subtitling services offered with multiple options: languages, captioning formats, editing and encoding.
Your Video File Formats
We work with the video formats shown below and we frequently use professional file conversion software to prepare video files for subtitling. Our mostly widely used video outputs are:
.MOV, .MKV, .MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEG-1, .DV, .MPEG-2, .DIVX, .P4V, .VOB, .XVID, .AXF, .WEBM, .OGV, .MXF and more…
High Quality Subtitles
Video Subtitling Standards
For subtitling services, rather than hiring stenographers, or using automated processes or voice recognition software, we rely on more accurate, traditional methods of transcription. Human written, timed and checked captions are our ethos. Human written subtitles result in less errors and improved precision, as video caption timings are in sync to the highest degree of accuracy (to 1/100 secs). Consequently, our subtitles are always totally coherent and a joy to read.
We typically work with pre-recorded material which means we are able to spend time on thorough research in order to provide accurate and articulate video captioning. Currently, we specialise in writing offline subtitles which means we don’t work with live broadcasts, but check back soon…
File and Video Transfer
Most of our subtitling services work is uploaded via our secure DropBox FTP, but we will happily work with other preferred file delivery methods. In addition to working with links to websites and social media sharing sites including YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook, we are also happy to conform to client preferences. When transferring large amounts of your data online, we can work with your preferred file transfer protocols such as WeTransfer or YouSendIt. And lastly, if you prefer to do things ‘old school’, as it were, you can send your videos to us in hard copy via post or courier.
When burning on subtitles, we want to ensure the best quality, therefore we require an original copy of your video which has not been compressed for use online.
Subtitling Service Rates
Our subtitling services rates start from as low as £2.00 per audio minute for basic .srt files and large projects. Prices can vary depending on video quality, as well as availability of a pre-written script, formatting requirements and deadlines.
Professional Subtitlers
Our highly qualified and experienced subtitlers are trained to proactively research video content. This therefore ensures consistent correct spellings of names, places and technical terms. Unlike a ‘robot’, they are able to use their initiative to make good decisions on what to include and what not to include, whilst also concentrating on the correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling.
At Capital Captions, we consider any form of writing to be an art form and therefore, something that a machine is not capable of. Ordinary speech can contain slang, vocal sounds, grunts, swearing, fillers and repetitions. These vocalisations can’t be fully understood or articulated by a ‘robot’. For this reason, we choose to take a human approach to subtitling in order to ensure the best results for viewers.
In addition to all this, we offer packaged subtitle services which can mean high cost savings for clients. We are able to log rushes for pre-production with time codes, transcribe your final cut, provide a transcript, and finally, create and burn your subtitles.
Capital Captions Video Captioning, Translation and Accessibility Services
Where Sound becomes Vision…