Transcription Services for Media (and Add-Ons)
At Capital Captions we work alongside media and production companies to transcribe articles and interviews. We also work tirelessly to subtitle videos
Logging of Rushes and Transcription Services for Video Editing
Video transcription services can be invaluable not only in terms of subtitling, but also for the video editing
The Difference Between Subtitling and Time Coded Video Transcription
Subtitling is often looked upon as a form of time coded transcription. You have a video transcript and ready;
Keeping Down Audio and Video Transcription Service Prices
Do you have a lot of audio or video data that needs to be recorded and transcribed into a text format? If so, outsourcing to a transcription company
Time Coded Video Transcription Explained
Capital Captions specialise in video transcription services, effectively transcribing audio to text. This includes time coded video transcription services,
A Quick Guide to Video Transcription, Subtitling and Closed Captioning Services
At Capital Captions we do our utmost to keep our writing and captioning services as straightforward as possible.
Freelance Writing Jobs – Transcription, Translation or Subtitling Services
The world is constantly changing. For those of us around long enough to have noticed, the past decade has seen
The Transcription Company Process
Ever thought of using a transcription company to type up your documents? If you’re thinking of outsourcing your audio or video files or documents, but have never tried before,
Meet the Team
Every month, Capital Captions will be creating a 'meet the team' blog which will feature a member of our valuable team so that you can get to know a little about them and
Using Video Transcription and Subtitling Services for SEO
Since 1991 when the worldwide web became publicly available, the world of information has changed. Those who are old enough