Offline and Online Closed Captioning
Closed captioning consists of onscreen text which includes dialogue and sound descriptions necessary for deaf and hard of hearing viewers.
Video Production and Audio to Text Services
Video production and audio to text services can be seen as a modern specialised sector consisting of many different parts.
Video Subtitles for Children and Adults
In today’s post, we want to take a look at how video subtitles for children compare to subtitles for adults. Video subtitling for Children’s films can be
Translation and Closed Captioning for Websites
Capital Captions offer a comprehensive service for companies looking to add
Hard Coded Subtitles and Video Translation
Video content can be a great way to reach global audiences with your message. Taking the decision to translate subtitles for your foreign
The Great Caption Debate: Do We Need Subtitling Services?
When it comes to television and video entertainment, people can be seen as falling in two different categories: those that love subtitles and those that don’t…
How Subtitles and Closed Captions Differ
We’ve all heard the words ‘closed captions’ and ‘subtitles’, but most people who refer to these two words think they are one and the same.
Is Adding Closed Captions Right For Your Film?
In a world which is getting increasingly saturated with video content, YouTubers all strive for one thing: more views of their videos.
How Good Subtitling Software Can Enhance Your Subtitles
Here at Capital Captions we work with some of the best subtitling software on the market. Like a lot of software packages, subtitling software also has