Logging of Rushes and Transcription Services for Video Editing
Video transcription services can be invaluable not only in terms of subtitling, but also for the video editing
How to Translate Subtitles Like a Pro!
With the explosion of social media videos and online file sharing, finding international audiences for your videos is a lot easier than it used to be.
The Difference Between Subtitling and Time Coded Video Transcription
Subtitling is often looked upon as a form of time coded transcription. You have a video transcript and ready;
Keeping Down Audio and Video Transcription Service Prices
Do you have a lot of audio or video data that needs to be recorded and transcribed into a text format? If so, outsourcing to a transcription company
Closed Captioning or Subtitling for E-Learning Courses
Capital Captions subtitlers work hard to caption online courses, corporate training programmes, tutorials and e-learning videos
Protect Your Hearing – Television Subtitles as an Alternative to Increasing Volume
Captioning services including VoD, broadcast and television subtitles are typically thought of as catering
Time Coded Video Transcription Explained
Capital Captions specialise in video transcription services, effectively transcribing audio to text. This includes time coded video transcription services,
The Benefits of Video Translation and Subtitling
Creating and publishing videos about your company's services on social media can be a great way to enhance your online presence.
A Quick Guide to Video Transcription, Subtitling and Closed Captioning Services
At Capital Captions we do our utmost to keep our writing and captioning services as straightforward as possible.